Body for life

It never ceases to amaze me how little respect people have for their body. Particularly young adults.

Constantly bombarding their digestive system with substandard fast food swished down with fizzy sugar solution. Inhaling cigarette smoke (or worse) like the dangers don’t apply to them. Inhaling the so-called safer vaping concoctions – how can filling your lungs with polluted air be desirable?

Adding work-related stress to the mix – in or out of work, money or no money: handling stress requires a strategy. A strategy that requires us to be able to move away from the stress, perhaps by taking part in sport, art or meditation. Self-care is all to often sidelined in the race to complete more ‘urgent’ tasks. Forgetting that we can not endlessly give without taking the time to refill ourselves.

Time for you – meditation in nature.

Although our bodies are able to recover and even self-heal we must give them the environment to do so. Rest, nurture, self-care.

Eat well and supplement with well-researched products (the science of nutragenomics is ever-evolving)

Lifestyle – including high impact exercise as well as nurturing yoga is a good option. Do you have a regular sleep pattern?

Self-management – what is your strategy for coping with stress? Meditation – or perhaps a sport you can loose yourself in – go with the flow: get out of your mind and into a better space!

You only have one body – it is for life. Keep it in the best condition and stay happy.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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