All change in Rome

A few years ago I had my own dental practice, I worked, ran the practice, looked after my family and tried to have a social life. It was exhausting. I was working to pay for a lifestyle I didn’t enjoy.

Sitting in a cafe in Rome with my 21 year old daughter she suggested that maybe it was time to give it up. Like a lightbulb switching on I began to consider the possibility… and called the agent to get a valuation on my return.

Roll forward almost a year – and I no longer was a dental services provider. Yippee!!

By the time another year had passed I had made the decision to sell my house and move from Birmingham (where I had spent the best part of 30 years) back to the North East of England where I had been brought up. In September 2017 I moved back to the coast – and my son goes to the school I went to as a teenager – full circle!

I guess it sometimes takes someone else to point out the obvious – but you are not stuck in one place. If you no longer get any joy from your place then you can move – and life can be so much better on the other side.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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