Moving out of Fear

Fear is a response to an external stimulus – the perceived result of which may or may not cause actual harm. Fear is a result of worry about what that result may be, and often we let our mind make the worst possible outcome loom largest in our mind.

At the moment we find ourselves in a situation of mass fear – fear of how the spread of COVID-19 may affect us, our family and our personal security. Much information exists – some helpful, some not – but how do we identify what is useful and what is not?

How do we act in the most appropriate fashion to best serve our families and those we love?

The first step, I would suggest, is to recognise when we are acting out of fear. Acknowledging how your body feels in a state of fear is necessary in order to reduce that feeling.

Secondly ask yourself what is that feeling trying to tell me – is the fear real, what can I do to feel better about this? What do I need to do?

Having decided upon the best action take steps to let the fear go – breathe, get back into the moment – so that you can move forward and take the necessary steps with confidence.

If the feelings return having taken action then repeat the process – listen, breathe and take action.

You are only in a position to help others if you can help yourself – your response to fear makes a difference to those around you. Stay positive, stay well and stay strong.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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