wtf is happening?

Information, misinformation – truths and conspiracy theories – will we ever know the truth?

Fear is the upshoot of uncertainty. Fear fills your head with thoughts of the worst case scenario, fear affects your body by switching on your sympathetic nervous system and igniting the ‘fight or fight’ response – and fear lowers your body’s ability to ignite its own immune response.

I’m not sure that we will ever get to the bottom of where the COVID-19 virus came from, why it has spread so quickly and caused so much devastation to the population. I’m not sure why we are being told so urgently to retire to our homes and stay there until the threat has subsided.

I do know that the fear of the unknown is causing a great deal of harm and panic.

My solution? Focus on the things you can control – there are many things that are out of our immediate ability to influence, but many others that we can.

Best things to do to stay healthy right now?

1 stay informed – about the threats, the advice given, keep it real.

2 manage stress (including fear) – through self care and mindset – I know it’s hard, see my blog here.

3 take personal responsibility through prevention and healthy habits – you are what you eat, supplement well, exercise regularly, wash your hands, – all the stuff you know – #preventionisbetterthancure

In times of uncertainty such as we are experiencing, stay calm and in control of the things you can. Love and peace.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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