So many things to learn!

There’s always someone who comes up with a great new way of saying stuff which totally resonates – a new angle, more stuff you didn’t know.

You convince yourself you need to know this stuff – maybe you should sign up for the course that promises you the blueprint to uncover your hidden talents and teach them to the world, maybe you really don;t have the time to give to the course – or the money. Maybe you need to – maybe you don’t!

Do you find yourself listening to the experts and are left feeling this way – all those years of experience and you still don;t know quite enough? So many things to learn, so little time!!

Or (as they teach in the course) do you actually know enough right now to make a start – and maybe outsource some of the stuff you don’t need right now when you do need that stuff later on (how to set up a YouTube channel for one, in my case).

I’m on day 6 of a 7 day free course – and I feel like I’ve enough from that to get going. So that’s where I’m going to start – watch this space!!

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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