Coming off the meds (part 4)

I’ve been consulting a kinaesiologist to take me through this journey – my hope is to reduce my dose of thyroid medications from the 175mcg to zero – over a period of time.

Kinesiologists can help you find what is wrong when you feel that mainstream medicine may not be the whole answer. They are not a replacement for medical advice – just one of the many choices you have.
They use muscle testing procedures to find problem areas and treat with a combination of massage, nutrition, gentle accupressure and emotional release to balance holistically.

I never felt that taking the medication was th ewhole answer – but it’s only recently that I’ve had the time – and found the person I connect with – to do something about it.

And so the journey continues.

She tests the various medications/herbal combinations yu are taking and adjusts according to how the body indicates it is reponding to them – in other words you leave with a precise personal presciption of what your body needs te restore to balance. We concluded that the thyroid meds were indeed not what my body was seeking. I am now taking 2 different natural supplements as well as my Time+.

Down to 50mcg and counting…

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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