Radio interview

Today I did radio interview with Keith Newman of Highlights PR for his radio show on radio Northumberland.

The idea was to talk about the business – what it’s about, who it serves and what the customer can expect.

I always worry that I’m going to sound a tad crazy – but we recorded a short piece, talked about how the current situation is affecting the business and what Inner Strength Yoga means to me.

Yoga, of course, helped me recover myself after years of working in the profession of dentistry. It helped me regain my personal inner strength. I’m contantly intruiged by the mind:body connection – how the mind can affect the body, and how our habitual stance and movemnts can affect our mental state.

This latter relationship has brought me to a point where I believe that through yoga we can experience magic in our life. And of course this lead into my chosen song – It’s a Kind of Magic, by Queen.

The piece will feature around midday on the first Tuesday of July and be repeated at intervals during the month. Ah fame at last!!

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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