Lost? – let yoga light the way

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately – about my journey – what brought me here: how can I best share what I’ve learned with others?

I see a lot of people in the same place I was 5 years ago: lost, tired, disillusioned. That look in their eyes that says ‘what am I doing this for?’.

That moment when you realise you’re going to work for a lifestyle that looks great from the outside, but from the inside you’re going to work just to pay for a lifestyle you barely get to sit in. There has to be more.

Five years ago I decided (with a little prompt from my daughter) to leave behind the career I’d dedicated 30 plus years of my life to. A career that defined me – or so I thought. A career that actually barely resembled the one a signed up for back ion the early 80’s.

As I signed out of the drilling seat I found it hard to loose that identity. I focused on me – my fitness, a 2 year yoga teacher training program. I read and learned about some of the latest health and wellbeing science – how I could align myself with habits to increase the healthy time I could look forward to spending in this body – how to increase my healthspan, if you will.

And now – I’m ready to shine my light. The light that has been hidden under piles of s**t that life threw over me. I’m ready to guide others towards uncovering themselves.

The path starts with yoga – not just some stretching – but a world of wisdom, a road to inner peace, inner strength – wrapped up in a bit of stretching.

Join the movment.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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