Health vs Wealth

Why do you do what you do? – Once you reach a certain level of comfort in your lifestyle what motivates you?

Do you want more? Forever chasing happiness in the form of security – when in reality you already have enough? Are you in fact sacrificing your health to chase that wealth?

It seems to me that it’s quite easy to get stuck in the role of breadwinner when there’s already enough bread on the table – ought we to be prioritising a means of enjoying that status just a little more?

I always used to say that I was working to protect my children’s future – to be able to provide for them through their education and beyond. Once that box was ticked then surely the best gift I could give them would be to be still around for a few years and in good health (assuming they like me).

Do you prioritise you own health as much as you should? Because when all said and done, no amount of money or percieved stutus can buy great health, mental stability and overall vitality.

You are worth it.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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