
4 days of Tony Robbins wisdom – live from his multiscreen studio to thousands worldwide. The even should have been in Birmingham – but as it was in happened right here in my kitchen.

Each day began with a posture expert talking us through the importance of good posture – so energy can flow effectively through the body and we can be protected from disease. Pretty much what I teach every day – though there’s always room for a few more cues and tips.

Next came a three piece exercise group – I’d call it zumba-style. Lots of energy. Loud party music – really increases the energy in the body. A bit much for an aged body so early in the morning – but looking at the other participants I was definitely in the older co-hort. Good time to make a coffee….

Each day from there had a theme-

Day 1 – Breakthrough Day. Much talk about mindset and discarding old patterns of behaviour. Considering reasons why we might not have reached our potential.

Day 2 – Closing the Gap Day. Identifying areas for improvement and seeking a mentor in any area you are not your best self.

Day 3 – Transformation Day. The day the magic happens: Led by Tony himself and his obvious passion. Moving blocks and feeling good about creating new patterns. Tony’s daily routine for unbreakable mindset.

Day 4 – Health and Fitness day. And a fair bit of upsell-talk to promote his many other events. Concluding with some experts in various wellness fields and a meditation to close the event.

This was billed as a stop-gap until the live event we had signed up for was to take place (Next June in Birmingham) and at the last minute it dropped that the June event would also be online. In fact the news was dropped in the guise of a ‘special offer’ for those signing up to the June event – very badly done news-break and a major disappointment in terms of PR from the Robbins camp. Wonder how that will pan out?

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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