What’s your Why?

How many times have you been asked that? – Why do you do what you do? – What motivates you to go to work or behave in a certain way?

I’ve often answered in a rather superficial way – enough money to look after the children, buy luxuries I want occasionally – my financial goals have never been massive. I always left feeling a bit non-plussed after answering that one.

This morning I was on a Zoom network event and the same question arose. And I suddenly realised why I do what I do – it’s simply to be the version of me that best supports my children: to remain healthy, a good role model and someone they can turn to for good advice.

As for working – the students who tells me that my classes fill them with joy and enable them to sleep better, move better and generally leave them with that relaxed yet energetic feeling. That’s what motivates me to teach.

My why is to leave each person I encounter feeling more joyous than before we met. Simple.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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