Slow down

For a retired person I’ve been spending a lot of time doing stuff – I can fill my days and end up feeling like I’ve done nothing! I’ve decided to slow down.

Well – I’ve decided to prioritise what happens in my day. For a start I need to fit in the things that make me happy. So I teach at 745 online – yoga / mindful movement to start the day: nothing too serious, but it’s always good to be joined by a few like-minded souls ready to start the day feeling good. Then fit in a workout and meditation before midday. That leaves afternoons to do the stuff that can otherwise take up the day and leave me feeling like I’ve neglected me.

And after all, what is retirement about if not to spend time on things that make you happy. Time to slow down and enjoy the journey.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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