Mojo dip

Rain, wind, darkness, cold – these are some or my least favourite conditions. As a result of all these happening at the same time – my mojo is having a break. For the first time in ages I felt like a day of doing nothing would be a good option. This is not like me at all!

I decided to follow my instincts and after teaching yoga at 8am opted for a real go-slow of a day. Talked myself into a trip to the beach where the icy cold wind and waves blew a few of the cobwebs away – but not enough for me to feel like the workout I half-planned for the afternoon was a good idea.

To be honest, now I’m home and just out of the bath all I want to do is chill in front of the TV and go to bed really early – in the hope that my mojo will return soon!

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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