Intolerance Rules

Driving back from (I’d love to say the gym) the shop this morning I passed a man on a bike.

He was riding uphill on a dual carriageway at a rather slow pace. Not a lycra-clad racing biker; an ordinary man on an ordinary bike. So far so good. Except there was a cycle lane just to his left. No-one else on it and no reason I could see to not be using it himself – after all he was creating a hazard on the road for both himself and other road users.

The though passed through my head that perhaps I should tell him to get on the cycle path. Then I though of all the people who’s intolerance of others cause them to shout at people having a break from their cycling to have a drink from their flask ‘there’s a pandemic on’ – or those who glare and pass comment to others not wearing a mask when they don’t know the full story. Well – the list goes on.

Live and let live – not divide and conquer. It seems intolerance is the order of the day though.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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