Letting go

‘Letting go’ of things that in the past have caused harm to you – be that damage caused by a love affair that ended badly or a grudge held if someone has done wrong against you – it’s easier said than done.

These things that happen on this journey we call life are there to teach us something – and once that lesson has been learned it servers on-one to harbour those past emotions. The lesson must be learned – but storing the impact as a wound to the physical body will only end in discomfort. The theory being that unless we process and ‘let go’ we hold onto these wounds which embed themselves in the body – initially perhaps superficially in the joints but unless we process them those niggles work themselves deeper – into the tissues and onwards to the organs of our physical body causing deeper dis-comfort – or dis-ease.

Remembering that we are energetic beings it makes good sense to make a habit of letting go of past harms.

As the moon presents us with its dark side over the next day or so it is traditionally said to be an excellent time to ‘let go’ of those things that no longer serve us before welcoming in the energy of the new moon on Sunday. Where-ever you stand in your personal philosophy on such matters is your own concern. But where-ever that may be and however you wish to put it – allowing the past to damage the future is never a good idea. Time to let go of something?

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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