Celebrate Life

It’s sad, I think, when people go to funerals of family or friends they haven’t seen for a while – they sit an consider the departed with a sense of loss although they may not have seen the deceased in a good while.

Are funerals always a sad occasion? For sure they represent and ending – but without endings there can be no new beginnings. No-one lives forever, and were it not for those leaving this life there would be no space for new life.

I think it’s much sadder when people go through this life not actually living it. When they spend many of their latter years riddled with disease and unable to enjoy life. When they trudge through day to day as if every day were a chore not a joy. When they live in so much fear of death they forget they are here to live.

Our time in this life journey is limited. One day, for each of us, our time will be up. The time to live is now – and when it comes to the day to mark the end of my time, I want that day to be a celebration of my life with those who loved me and travelled part of the journey to come together and remember a life lived with purpose and joy.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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