Ideas come in waves

Have you ever had a great idea – one of those ideas that could change the world – inspired, different, fun, creative..? Only to be in conversation with someone and have them come up with that exact same idea..?

My theory is that it’s all energy – and if you don’t take up those ideas then they move on to find someone who will.

Ideas are like waves – they hover in the space around us waiting to be taken up by someone and actioned. ~The idea has come your way – hovered around you and made its presence felt: it takes shape in your thoughts. If you don’t take on the idea it will move into someone else’s consciousness and wait awhile with them to see if they take it up. And so on until that idea finds a willing recipient to make it real.

Ideas, like the very air we breathe, flow all around us.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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