
As everyone settles back into work I wondered whether those that are nearing retirement have considered moving their proposed retirement date forward? Has a taste of having more time at home or to do your own thing left you wanting more? Or does the thought of actually leaving (perhaps a profession that has been your life for decades) fill you with dread?

I sold my business back in 2016 after 30 years of being a practicing dentist. Through 2 marriages, 4 children and a whole raft of professional upheavals; the decision to take a break was like jumping off a cliff. One day a practice owner – the next, as if I’d lost my identity.

What ensued was a whole raft of emotions; unwinding, fear, loss, new possibilities, exploring new directions, self doubt, self exploration – the list goes on! One day I will sort through that journey, identify the highs and lows and maybe that journey will serve as a guide for others approaching the same.

In the past this phase of retirement could be quite short – perhaps only a few years of declining health. My intention is to stay fit and healthy for many years of retirement – mind, body and soul.

Retiring – it’s not just an extended holiday.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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