Why Are You Here?

A good question – what has brought you Here? – to this point in your life? – to this blog, perhaps? – or maybe the question is directing you to consider the bigger meaning of Life: Why are You Here?

Such a simple question which may be interpreted in so many different ways!

Where is Here to you? Is it a place, a time, a situation – or perhaps something else? Were the choices made to get you Here all within your control or somehow directed by Fate? Will Fate dictate your future or do you (or we) have control of how this all turns out. Life, that is.

Why Are You Here? Why not somewhere else? Why not some time else? When time is a fluid concept, what makes it so important for you to be Here right Now – in this time frame? Have you come here to fulfil a purpose? Have you discovered yet what that is?

And why You – what makes You – You? Why not some other being, person, soul? What’s so important that You had to come Here? Was it an accident? Could it just as easily have been someone else?

So many questions!

Why Are You Here?

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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