Full moon madness

Do you find the moon and its rhythm affects how you feel? Every 29 days she circles Earth – from the New Moon to the Full Moon and back around.

The moon dictates the rhythm of the tides of the ocean, causing the water to ebb and flow to a predictable pattern. Given that the human body has a water percentage of about 60% on average, is it unreasonable to suggest that the moon does affect our body?

For me, the New Moon is a time of hope – a time when I feel inspired to plan and move forward. The Full Moon feels heavy – a time when it’s not unheard of for me to make slightly crazy decisions and say or do things I might otherwise hold back from.

As a coast dweller the rise of the Full Moon over the horizon is a monthly treat, however: This from last night over the North Sea..

Full Snow Moon rising over the Sea 9th Feb 2020

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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