My Life Vantage Story

I’m Amanda – I graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in Dental Surgery in 1986. For 30 years I worked in the NHS – most of that time in my own single-handed dental practice.

Over the years I had the opportunity to observe the changes in people as they aged. Some who aged well and others who didn’t – some who took care of their health (and their teeth) and some who delegated their care to the professionals. I watched as those who tripped to the doctor with one single complaint often ended up, some years later, on a whole list of medication.

It seemed obvious to me that whether it was general health or that of our teeth, that prevention is better than cure.

Life Vantage found me in 2016 just as I was selling the practice. I was introduced to the nrf2 product and my first reaction was ‘this can’t be true’ – reducing oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. I knew oxidative stress (free radical) were implicated in virtually every disease. Bring it on! I ordered, signed up – and did a lot of reading. I can only recommend things I can properly vouch for.

The research added up – independently done and published studies – very rare for what is a nutritional supplement. I was hooked!

I hope that the current situation ( the human race is under threat from a virus) will encourage people to invest in their health – that more people will begin to take responsibility for the way their body responds to stress. I hope they will want to seek ways to boost their inner strength through better personal care – including considering looking into this wonderful product range.

Published by Amanda

Retired dentist Yoga teacher Coast dweller

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